Solid State Physics A


  • This is an undergraduate-level course for those who major in physics. The syllabus contains: Introduction to the properties of solids; Crystal structures and bonding in materials; Lattice dynamics, phonon theory and measurements, thermal properties; Energy band theory, nearly-free and tight-binding limits; Electronic structure and properties of metals and semiconductors; Electron dynamics and basic transport properties. The main references include: Solid State Physics by Kun Huang; High Education Press. Introduction to Solid State Physics by Charles Kittel; John Wiley & Sons, Inc, New York, 1996. Fundamental of Solid State Physics by Shousheng Yan; Peking University Press.

  • Introduction

  • Crystal Structure 

  • Crystal Binding

  • Lattice Vibration 

  • Free Electron Model 

  • Energy Band 

  • Electron Motion in Crystal 

  • Electron transport in metal