Research Interest


Research Interest

Emergent quantum phenomena in low-dimensional quantum matter

quantum phenomena

Low-dimensional electronic systems are ideal platform to discover exotic collective quantum states and emergent quantum phenomena. We are interested in designing and constructing low-dimensional quantum structures (e.g., 2D layered materials, oxide interfaces, topological materials and artificial lattices), and further revealing and manipulating their novel physical properties via multiscale experimental approaches (e.g., low-T transport measurement, scanning probe microscopy).
Quantum metrology based on low-dimensional quantum matter

quantum metrology

Quantum effects in solids can be utilized to reproduce metrological units with a much higher precision and repeatability than classical standards, since they depend exclusively on fundamental physical constants. Quantum materials have shown promising prospect in quantum electrical metrology, e.g., portable quantum-resistance standard based on quantum Hall effect in graphene. We aim to develop new-principle devices for quantum electrical metrology based on graphene and other newly-developed low-dimensional quantum materials.
  • ●    Ph.D positions are available for highly creative and self-disciplined students with B.Sc Degree.

  • ●    Postdoc positions are available for young researchers with Ph.D Degree.

  • ●    Undergraduate RA positions are available for excellent senior-year undergraduate students.